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Dec. 21, 2022

It's been over ten years since the darkest moments of my life, moments that solidified the primary framework of Opposed and its Op/Res predecessor. However, as I was planning to put out another reveal poster for my audiovisual series, there had been an attack in Toronto that was reported this week. The circumstances, involving a group of teens fatally attacking an older man, are eerily similar to the inciting incident surrounding the gasmasked capital-F "Fugitive" in my series. Therefore, any proposed image releases for Opposed have once again been delayed for the time being.


I appreciate your patience as I work on the overdue premiere, and deal with ongoing emotions that will continue to affect the events of the audiovisual series.


Thank you,

Jack Y.


Protocol 91-16 activated.


Opposed series progress

Episode 1:

Audio: 16/16 (including prologue) segments done

Visuals: 1 segment's background plates done, 0/16 segments done


Episode 2:

Audio: 4/??? segments done

Visuals: 0/??? segments done


Episode 6: (Due to rotating personal circumstances on April 24, 2020)

Audio: Prologue + /??? segments done

Visuals N/A


Episode 7: (Click here for March 16, 2020 update)

Audio: Prologue + 2/??? segments done

Visuals N/A